star stickers |
When I began collecting TimMee tanks as an adult in 2003 I looked for a company that manufactured ½" white star stickers to replace the damaged ones on the tanks I was buying from Ebay. I found a company that produced the exact size and color. There were 300 stars per pack at $1.69 each. And I loaded up! It's a good thing I did because they were discontinued a few years later. Although I had a decent supply left, I still searched for them once in a while, with no luck. However, I found a company a few weeks ago that produced white star stickers...and they had several sizes to choose from. One of which was a ¼" star. I ordered that size and placed one on each side of the turret because the larger stars are simply too big. Plus, many real world M48 Patton tanks had a smaller star on either side of the turret (not big registration numbers, etc) with a larger star up front.
I found an interesting variant of this tank the other day which I will be blogging some time after Wednesday...just get the competition for Horrible Histories get out the way...
It's on my blog, but I've taken some more pictures with a different backgrownd and more close-ups of the underside - if you'd like them for your M48 page - eMail me.
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